Eine Woche mit viel Sonnenschein in „Big Apple“. Neben kulturellen Höhepunkten (Theater, Musical, Pop-Konzert, Oper, Naturkundemuseum …) viele kulinarische Erlebnisse und die typischen Hotspots (The Edge – Hudson Yards, Little Island, Ground Zero, Brooklyn-Bridge, China-Town, Boots-Tour, Central Park und vieles mehr). Zudem eine Tagestour mit dem Zug nach Philadelphia.
A week with lots of sunshine in „Big Apple“. In addition to cultural highlights (theater, musical, pop concert, opera, natural history museum …) many culinary experiences and the typical hotspots (The Edge – Hudson Yards, Little Island, Ground Zero, Brooklyn Bridge, China Town, Boat Tour, Central Park and much more). In addition, a day trip by train to Philadelphia.